Office Hours: Monday – Friday 10am-12noon
Office: The Community Room, Mills Street, St. Day, Redruth, Cornwall TR16 5LL
Tel: 01209 822589

Clerk to the Trustees
When Jenny joined the trust in October 2021, she brought with her very strong local links. Her dad lived at Vogue, her mum at Tolcarne and both attended St. Day School, as did uncles and aunts from both sides. She also has a grandfather and great-uncle named on the Town Clock War Memorial.
As befits a St. Day heritage, Jenny has mining blood on both sides of the family including a great-grandfather and great-grand uncle who were mine captains and a grandad who was a winding engine driver. Another grandfather was a hard rock miner working in Burma, Tanzania (then Tanganyika), West and South Africa and Jenny’s dad spent some time driving the “cage” in Tanganyika.
Jenny’s ancestry certainly follows the old adage, “Where’s there’s a hole in the ground, there’s a Cornishman!”
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 10am-12 noon
Out of Hours: Mobile: 07713 635618